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2 posts tagged with "scalability"

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Toolchain Evolution: Designing and Operating a Native Build System Over Many Years

· 11 min read
Christopher McArthur
C++ DevOps Expert

In the DevOps playground of software development, designing and maintaining a native build automation process for a complex product over many years presents unique challenges. One topic which often gets over looked by product planning is upgrading compilers. The gritty work for ensuring the product maintains supported for existing platforms while offering access to new tools to developers to be innovative for a competitive edge.

Planning for this change is Toolchain Evolution.

Either maintaining old toolchains as new platforms arrive or a backport of toolchain on to an older platforms or any combination would satisfy the definitions.

There are two main forces driving teams to upgrade their toolchains, the first being security and the second also being security. The first is product security or "code safety", every year compilers and sanitizers are improving and offer new features that when utilized can detect buffer-overflow or free-after-use and prevent many vulnerabilities which are discovered. The second, less talked about, is corporate IT Security or "software supply chain security" where with native toolchains might be obsolete and pose a greater burden to maintain development.

Regardless which of these factors is motivating you, this post will explore the strategic considerations and operational challenges of managing a native build system for long-term success leveraging the concept of Toolchain Evolution during a product's lifecycle to help address both security needs.

C++ Distributed Builds: Strategies to Reduce Build Times

· 8 min read
Christopher McArthur
C++ DevOps Expert

Have you ever stared longingly at that time-consuming progress bar, willing your C++ project to compile faster? If you're nodding along, you're not alone. The ISO's annual "lite" developer survey consistently reveals that over 60% of respondents consider long build times a major pain point, with little improvement year over year.

Thankfully, there's an old solution: distributing the build burden across multiple machines. This approach can dramatically slash those wait times (either way you go) and free you to focus on what matters - writing great code. This blog post will explore two prominent distribution techniques and how they've evolved: distributing compilation units and distributing targets. But here's the secret sauce: a target-based approach, the current best practice, can not only accelerate builds but also lead you to design cleaner and more maintainable build pipelines. Let's dive in!