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3 posts tagged with "package management"

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Breaking down the 2024 Survey Results

· 13 min read
Christopher McArthur
C++ DevOps Expert

It's that time of year once again! The ISO Committee published the summary of the results for the C++ Developer Survey "Lite". This has been running for several years and it's probably the first time we can start to see some trends... hopefully!

The survey results, with less than 1300 developers compared to 1700 last year, is only partially explained by third-party restrictions as noted by the blog post sharing the results. Regardless a wider sample would be ideal. The dominance of CMake with an 83% market share is striking. Could this 4% growth be linked to the lower burden for managing build scripts? Despite these limitations, the survey offers valuable insights into C++ ecosystem trends.

Since this blog is all about building and shipping C++ software, I'll be focusing on the tooling and ecosystem questions and results. There's a natural bias here, as I'm particularly interested in how these trends affect developers like us. But fear not, there's plenty for everyone! In fact, I'm curious what aspects other bloggers will delve into. Let's jump right in as there are some fascinating statistical correlations to explore!

Package Management vs. Reproducible Builds... Or Complementary Approaches?

· 9 min read
Christopher McArthur
C++ DevOps Expert

Let's face it, in the land of C++ development, package management and reproducible builds can feel like oil and water. Package managers promise lightning-fast builds with pre-built libraries, while reproducible builds preach control and consistency by rebuilding everything. But here's the thing: they're not sworn enemies.

Think of it this way.

Let's start with the basic build system. Imagine you're spending hours compiling your code. You throw more cores at the problem, and the build time shrinks – but there's a limit. Eventually, adding more cores won't magically make it compile any faster. Now imagine you don't build at all. Poof! Your build time is divided by zero, because it's not happening at all, it's just not a factor anymore. The most reproducible builds are the ones you don't have to repeat endlessly. That's where package management comes in, saving you from endless build marathons. Yet there's even more benefits for reproducibility as well.

This post will explore how these two seemingly opposing forces can actually work together to create a streamlined and efficient development workflow. Despite being a new idea, there is evidence of this already being used along with potential new opportunities for future development in this space.

Comparing Linux System Package Managers with C++ Package Managers

· 3 min read
Christopher McArthur
C++ DevOps Expert

Feeling lost in the jungle of C++ package managers? You're not alone. Wrangling dependencies in the C++ world can feel like navigating a tangled mess of vines, with cryptic tools and endless options leaving you frustrated. But fear not, intrepid C++ developer! This guide will cut through the undergrowth and help you get on the right path.

First things first: Let's dispel a common misconception. System package managers like rpm and apt are great for keeping your operating system humming, but they're not designed for the unique challenges of C++ development. That's where C++ specific package managers like vcpkg, Conan, and Xrepo come in.