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Unveiling the Power of C++ DevOps: Bridging Disciplines for Seamless Development

· 4 min read
Christopher McArthur
C++ DevOps Expert

In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, the transformative influence of DevOps cannot be overstated. It has reshaped how teams collaborate, develop, build, test, and ultimately deliver applications. DevOps is more than a mere collection of practices or tools; it embodies a cultural shift, fostering collaboration and communication among software developers, QA professionals, and IT operations.

Today, we navigate the intricate landscape of C++, delving into how the DevOps approach aligns seamlessly with both historical and contemporary roles within the ecosystem. It becomes apparent that DevOps best practices hold the key to unlocking solutions for some of the most prevalent challenges faced by C++ developers.

DevOps Philosophy: Beyond Criticism

Critics, such as Scott Willson, correctly predicted back in 2015 the far-reaching scope of DevOps, encompassing best practices, behaviors, and tools across various disciplines involved in the entire software development lifecycle. The essence is not about overburdening developers but applying good software practices universally, as exemplified in talks like "Chef, test-kitchen, Docker, CI, Oh My!" from DevOps Day Toronto back in 2015. This philosophy transcends individual roles, emphasizing a comprehensive and collaborative approach. Software design principals likes Coupling and Cohesion should also apply to how we manage build environments.

Success in Other Disciplines: A Call to Action

DevOps emerged in 2010 as a response to the challenges posed by Agile methods, eventually leading to the realization that faster software delivery could unlock competitive advantages. The State of DevOps reports from 2018 underscored this, highlighting the strategic edge gained through accelerated software delivery. In 2023, the momentum has shifted towards Platform Engineering, reflecting the evolving expectations for collaboration post-pandemic.

Understanding C++ DevOps: Dispelling Misconceptions

While skepticism exists about the necessity of DevOps for C++ development, some argue that it conflicts with the language's low-level programming focus and misconceptions that DevOps is exclusively for cloud deployment. This perspective views specialized DevOps roles as potentially distracting from the core development work.

However, despite reservations, there's a compelling acknowledgment that certain challenges faced by C++ developers undeniably fall within the DevOps domain. Managing dependencies, a persistent issue in C++ development, becomes increasingly complex as projects scale. Yet solutions to this problem can be traced back to 2017. DevOps practices, particularly those executed by Build and Release Engineers, provide solutions for dependency management, version compatibility, and maintaining consistent build environments.

Demonstrating DevOps Impact

To illustrate the monumental potential for efficiency gains, consider the integration of DevOps principles like CI/CD with the addition of Workflow Presets in the ubiquitous build system tool CMake. This new feature can be a cornerstone in simplifying build script complexities. The recent introduction of innovative tools like Spack, Xmake, and Tipi building upon the success of Conan and Vcpkg further amplifies these gains, addressing challenges in dependency management. Build orchestration and scalability is another area where pioneering tools like Bazel and IncrediBuild have seen huge success reducing build times across the ecosystem.

Specialized Roles: A Growing Necessity

The demand for highly specialized roles, such as Build and Release Engineer, C++ Build Tools Engineer, and Build Automation Engineer, remains high within the C++ ecosystem. The 2023 ISOCPP Survey reported 73% of developers struggle with setting up CI pipelines, with eight identified problems falling under the DevOps umbrella. Recognizing this, it becomes evident that the DevOps toolkit offers specialized tools and best practices aimed squarely at solving these pervasive problems.

Conclusion: A Cultural Transformation

In conclusion, while skepticism may linger, there's an increasing acknowledgment that integrating DevOps practices and technologies into the C++ development landscape is not just a choice; it's a strategic necessity. C++ DevOps is not solely a technical evolution; it's a cultural transformation that unites developers, QA professionals, and operations teams. Embracing C++ DevOps becomes indispensable for organizations aspiring to thrive in the ever-evolving and competitive software development landscape.